Paderborn/Mönkeloh exit of the A33
Borchener Straße 322
33106 Paderborn
- 05251 / 417 77 70
Getting here
You have reached your destination.
The ROAD HOUSE HOTEL is both easy to get to and central. Situated directly on the A33 highway (Paderborn-Mönkeloh exit), but just five kilometers from the city center, the ROAD HOUSE HOTEL is the perfect starting point for whatever you want to do – whether you are travelling on business or wish to discover Paderborn in your free time.
A gas station with auto shops for trucks and cars and an ADAC training center are located in the same highway services area as the hotel.
We serve top-quality American cuisine at the ROAD HOUSE DINER, located directly on the ground floor of the hotel. Staff at the ROAD HOUSE DINER are pleased to answer any questions you may have regarding your stay at the hotel. And you do not need to miss us when visiting the city center either: Our ROAD HOUSE DOWNTOWN restaurant with its stylish sixties retro design is located on Domplatz, the cathedral square.
Our restaurants
Paderborn/Mönkeloh exit of the A33
Borchener Straße 322
33106 Paderborn
Phone: 49 (0)5251 / 417 77 70
Fax: 49 (0)5251 / 417 77 74
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Member of HotelsCombined
Road House Paderborn GmbH
Verwaltung: Road House Hotel
Halberstädter Str. 14
33106 Paderborn
Bank details
Account no.: 8743 9672 01
Sort code: 472 601 21
IBAN: DE73472601218743967201
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